5 Things my Montessori preschool teacher taught me
These are5 excellent Tips to try with your preschooler to teach him assertiveness, independent thinking, and to create the perfect environment for their development.
1 Kids can be Assertive too.
Saying please and thank you is not as important as asking nicely. When kids learn to ask in a calm way, while making eye contact, they are learning to communicate their needs assertively.
2 The water Pitcher.
Montessori is all about how about teaching children how to do practical things themselves. A covered pitcher is always available next to a stack of durable glasses and a towel. The kids learn to help themselves whenever they need a drink. And if they spill a little, no big deal, a towel is right there so they can clean up!
3 The Perfect Praise.
Wow! Good job! Yes these are good. But, focusing on acknowledging his work and effort instead of result encourages kids to think and talk about their own work, and to appreciate their own merits, rather than always looking to others for approval. Example: "You made a picture!"
4 Clutter Needs to Go.
it is important for that your preschooler's surroundings be decluttered. This will allow them to explore safely without being overwhelmed. Keep it simple; less toys. There is already a lot for a toddler to take in from the big world around them.
5 Adjust the Scale.
Small furniture, artwork at the child's eye level, make the room accessible for them. Scaling things down not only reduces anxiety but also gives your little one the chance to explore and interact with their environment, learning as they go. Freedom of movement and accessibility = Montessori philosophy.